139 research outputs found

    HDTR-Net: A Real-Time High-Definition Teeth Restoration Network for Arbitrary Talking Face Generation Methods

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    Talking Face Generation (TFG) aims to reconstruct facial movements to achieve high natural lip movements from audio and facial features that are under potential connections. Existing TFG methods have made significant advancements to produce natural and realistic images. However, most work rarely takes visual quality into consideration. It is challenging to ensure lip synchronization while avoiding visual quality degradation in cross-modal generation methods. To address this issue, we propose a universal High-Definition Teeth Restoration Network, dubbed HDTR-Net, for arbitrary TFG methods. HDTR-Net can enhance teeth regions at an extremely fast speed while maintaining synchronization, and temporal consistency. In particular, we propose a Fine-Grained Feature Fusion (FGFF) module to effectively capture fine texture feature information around teeth and surrounding regions, and use these features to fine-grain the feature map to enhance the clarity of teeth. Extensive experiments show that our method can be adapted to arbitrary TFG methods without suffering from lip synchronization and frame coherence. Another advantage of HDTR-Net is its real-time generation ability. Also under the condition of high-definition restoration of talking face video synthesis, its inference speed is 300%300\% faster than the current state-of-the-art face restoration based on super-resolution.Comment: 15pages, 6 figures, PRCV202

    RainDiffusion:When Unsupervised Learning Meets Diffusion Models for Real-world Image Deraining

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    What will happen when unsupervised learning meets diffusion models for real-world image deraining? To answer it, we propose RainDiffusion, the first unsupervised image deraining paradigm based on diffusion models. Beyond the traditional unsupervised wisdom of image deraining, RainDiffusion introduces stable training of unpaired real-world data instead of weakly adversarial training. RainDiffusion consists of two cooperative branches: Non-diffusive Translation Branch (NTB) and Diffusive Translation Branch (DTB). NTB exploits a cycle-consistent architecture to bypass the difficulty in unpaired training of standard diffusion models by generating initial clean/rainy image pairs. DTB leverages two conditional diffusion modules to progressively refine the desired output with initial image pairs and diffusive generative prior, to obtain a better generalization ability of deraining and rain generation. Rain-Diffusion is a non adversarial training paradigm, serving as a new standard bar for real-world image deraining. Extensive experiments confirm the superiority of our RainDiffusion over un/semi-supervised methods and show its competitive advantages over fully-supervised ones.Comment: 9 page

    Don't worry about mistakes! Glass Segmentation Network via Mistake Correction

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    Recall one time when we were in an unfamiliar mall. We might mistakenly think that there exists or does not exist a piece of glass in front of us. Such mistakes will remind us to walk more safely and freely at the same or a similar place next time. To absorb the human mistake correction wisdom, we propose a novel glass segmentation network to detect transparent glass, dubbed GlassSegNet. Motivated by this human behavior, GlassSegNet utilizes two key stages: the identification stage (IS) and the correction stage (CS). The IS is designed to simulate the detection procedure of human recognition for identifying transparent glass by global context and edge information. The CS then progressively refines the coarse prediction by correcting mistake regions based on gained experience. Extensive experiments show clear improvements of our GlassSegNet over thirty-four state-of-the-art methods on three benchmark datasets

    Joint Depth Estimation and Mixture of Rain Removal From a Single Image

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    Rainy weather significantly deteriorates the visibility of scene objects, particularly when images are captured through outdoor camera lenses or windshields. Through careful observation of numerous rainy photos, we have found that the images are generally affected by various rainwater artifacts such as raindrops, rain streaks, and rainy haze, which impact the image quality from both near and far distances, resulting in a complex and intertwined process of image degradation. However, current deraining techniques are limited in their ability to address only one or two types of rainwater, which poses a challenge in removing the mixture of rain (MOR). In this study, we propose an effective image deraining paradigm for Mixture of rain REmoval, called DEMore-Net, which takes full account of the MOR effect. Going beyond the existing deraining wisdom, DEMore-Net is a joint learning paradigm that integrates depth estimation and MOR removal tasks to achieve superior rain removal. The depth information can offer additional meaningful guidance information based on distance, thus better helping DEMore-Net remove different types of rainwater. Moreover, this study explores normalization approaches in image deraining tasks and introduces a new Hybrid Normalization Block (HNB) to enhance the deraining performance of DEMore-Net. Extensive experiments conducted on synthetic datasets and real-world MOR photos fully validate the superiority of the proposed DEMore-Net. Code is available at https://github.com/yz-wang/DEMore-Net.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    SVDFormer: Complementing Point Cloud via Self-view Augmentation and Self-structure Dual-generator

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    In this paper, we propose a novel network, SVDFormer, to tackle two specific challenges in point cloud completion: understanding faithful global shapes from incomplete point clouds and generating high-accuracy local structures. Current methods either perceive shape patterns using only 3D coordinates or import extra images with well-calibrated intrinsic parameters to guide the geometry estimation of the missing parts. However, these approaches do not always fully leverage the cross-modal self-structures available for accurate and high-quality point cloud completion. To this end, we first design a Self-view Fusion Network that leverages multiple-view depth image information to observe incomplete self-shape and generate a compact global shape. To reveal highly detailed structures, we then introduce a refinement module, called Self-structure Dual-generator, in which we incorporate learned shape priors and geometric self-similarities for producing new points. By perceiving the incompleteness of each point, the dual-path design disentangles refinement strategies conditioned on the structural type of each point. SVDFormer absorbs the wisdom of self-structures, avoiding any additional paired information such as color images with precisely calibrated camera intrinsic parameters. Comprehensive experiments indicate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on widely-used benchmarks. Code will be available at https://github.com/czvvd/SVDFormer.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 202

    Anchor Retouching via Model Interaction for Robust Object Detection in Aerial Images

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    Object detection has made tremendous strides in computer vision. Small object detection with appearance degradation is a prominent challenge, especially for aerial observations. To collect sufficient positive/negative samples for heuristic training, most object detectors preset region anchors in order to calculate Intersection-over-Union (IoU) against the ground-truthed data. In this case, small objects are frequently abandoned or mislabeled. In this paper, we present an effective Dynamic Enhancement Anchor (DEA) network to construct a novel training sample generator. Different from the other state-of-the-art techniques, the proposed network leverages a sample discriminator to realize interactive sample screening between an anchor-based unit and an anchor-free unit to generate eligible samples. Besides, multi-task joint training with a conservative anchor-based inference scheme enhances the performance of the proposed model while reducing computational complexity. The proposed scheme supports both oriented and horizontal object detection tasks. Extensive experiments on two challenging aerial benchmarks (i.e., DOTA and HRSC2016) indicate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in accuracy with moderate inference speed and computational overhead for training. On DOTA, our DEA-Net which integrated with the baseline of RoI-Transformer surpasses the advanced method by 0.40% mean-Average-Precision (mAP) for oriented object detection with a weaker backbone network (ResNet-101 vs ResNet-152) and 3.08% mean-Average-Precision (mAP) for horizontal object detection with the same backbone. Besides, our DEA-Net which integrated with the baseline of ReDet achieves the state-of-the-art performance by 80.37%. On HRSC2016, it surpasses the previous best model by 1.1% using only 3 horizontal anchors